Has anyone tried multipath on a single lsi 9211-8i to a dual port backplane ?

I have the controler connected to a SM 847E26 and although I see two of every disk (before and after enabling multipath), it doesn't seem to be quite working.

The 9211 is using IR mode, so I can get the ses support.

stmsboot -L
stmsboot: No STMS devices have been found

mpathadm list initiator-port
Initiator Port:  w500605b0035b6420
Initiator Port:  w500605b0035b6420
Initiator Port:  iqn.1986-03.com.sun:01:6b3db0fbffff.4df8134d,4000002a00ff

format output:

0. c1t5000C5000A85BA8Ad0 <IBM-ESX-ST373455SS -BA2D cyl 8921 alt 2 hd 255 sec 63>

1. c1t5000C5000A85D446d0 <IBM-ESX-ST373455SS -BA2D cyl 8921 alt 2 hd 255 sec 63>

2. c2t5000C5000A85BA89d0 <IBM-ESX-ST373455SS -BA2D cyl 8921 alt 2 hd 255 sec 63>

3. c2t5000C5000A85D445d0 <IBM-ESX-ST373455SS -BA2D cyl 8921 alt 2 hd 255 sec 63>


So there are definitely two paths, via two different adapter ports, to each of the two disks installed.

I have tried turning on multipath in the controller, but no change.

One thing I'm not sure of is should the target port for a disk be the same for both paths?

disk, instance #1
        name='inquiry-serial-no' type=string items=1 dev=none
        name='target-port' type=string items=1
disk, instance #3
        name='inquiry-serial-no' type=string items=1 dev=none
        name='target-port' type=string items=1


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