On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 11:42 PM, Gary Driggs <gdri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jun 22, 2011, at 7:19 PM, Ben Taylor wrote:
>> I can almost see dumping 32-bit x86.
>> but dumping 64-bit US-III/IV?
> Use a kill-a-watt or a smart PDU to compare the power draw for these older 
> systems. Do you really want them in production? Solaris 10 isn't going away 
> if you do. q.v. several BSD & Linux flavors.

Lets see. I still have a 280R in production, as well as some v490s.
Do I care about Power consumption in my data center?  No, because
rack space/circuits is what I pay for, not a per Kw charge, so I don't

Even if the draw is high, and I want to run a Solaris on Sparc (Yeah, T2000
makes such a *good* desktop) at home, do you think I care?


>> Clearly, Oracle is going to use this as a stick to force customers to
>> upgrade to new hardware
> Nobody forces me to upgrade anything -- hardware or OS. But if in the long 
> term it will cost more in electricity alone, why would I want to hang on to 
> older hardware? I can understand "vintage" desktop users but I don't know 
> many folks that wish to run vintage servers unless they're tech museums.

you're worried about power cost?  That's the last thing we're worried about.
The cost of *migrating* is magnitudes larger (exponentially) than the power
cost (which again, we don't concern ourselves with.  Personally, I wouldn't
have signed up for a Kw based pricing scheme which you apparently did)

And ignoring the rest of my comment, well, the point being is that
Oracle can't make someone upgrade.  But the Solaris support cost
went up this year for us, so we're dumping it as fast as we can.
Good business strategy.


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