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On 3 Aug 2011, at 04:11, Alan Coopersmith wrote:

> On 08/02/11 14:04, Pablo Oddera wrote:
>> Good links, but if you were going to emphasize that Oracle gave some code to
>> the community, Microsoft gave the double. Even worst Oracle has "Unbreakable
>> Linux (sic)", which is no more than a glorified clon of Red Hat (love Red
>> Hat by the way). So in short, they gave up a little, steal a lot and close
>> the source of everything that they can. 
> Right, like they closed OpenJDK?  Nope still open.   OpenOffice & Hudson?
> Donated to well-respected open source foundations.   Hell, as OpenIndiana
> proves, even without ON/kernel updates, there's still a lot of OpenSolaris
> bits that are still open and being used by OI.
> Where'd the new oi-build infrastructure come from?   What's that?
> The userland code released on OpenSolaris.org earlier this year?   Who 
> knew?!?!
> Come on folks.   There are so many real actions Oracle has taken that you
> can complain about that making up false ones is just plain lazy.

^^ Totally this. As a project we still continue to reap the benefits of efforts 
from Oracle employees and Oracle the company. Complaining about Oracle because 
- essentially - you are not their target customer base just isn't on. And as I 
said, it does a dis-service to the various Oracle guys who contribute.

- --
Tom Kranz
Email: t...@gaeltd.com  Skype: siliconbunny
Mobile: 07779 149281    Phone/fax: 01344 773240
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