On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 10:49, Maurilio Longo <maurilio.lo...@libero.it> wrote:
> Kimmo Jaskari wrote:
>> all in /opt (this one had nmdb too... which brings to mind, why is
>> there no nmdb in the Samba install with OpenIndiana?) and it behaves
>> exactly the same. This being Samba 3.6.0.
> Kimmo,
> nmbd is started by svc:/network/wins:default in oi_148
> Maybe this is not your problem, but this fact of two indipendent services for
> samba baffled me for a while when I first installed samba on oi_148 (from 
> IPS).

Ah yes, of course, there it was. Thanks!

Unfortunately that wasn't the source of my worries, I still can't use
samba. It just won't register that my account and username even
exists. I see stuff like:

check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user [kimjas] -> [kimjas]
error packet at smbd/sesssetup.c(111) cmd=115 (SMBsesssetupX)

Oops, hang on, in debug this also popped up:

ntlm_password_check: NTLMv2 password check failed
ntlm_password_check: Lanman passwords NOT PERMITTED for user kimjas
ntlm_password_check: LM password, NT MD4 password in LM field and LMv2
failed for user kimjas

It appears to have something to do with authenticating... I know I've
entered the right password with smbpasswd, deleted the user, recreated
the user, the works. Tried smbpasswd as the database, tried without
having it specified at all, just no go.

I can't believe I've spent two evenings sweating over SAMBA of all
things. I guess there's a point where you cease to be persistent and
become downright pigheaded... two evenings is one point five too many
on something like this. Guess I'll have to find another way.

-{ Kimmo Jaskari }--{ kimmo.jask...@gmail.com }--

"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go
away." -- Philip K. Dick

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