Hello Josef 'Jeff' Sipek and List,

On Oktober, 09 2011, 16:39 <Josef 'Jeff' Sipek> wrote in [1]:

> On Sun, Oct 09, 2011 at 04:20:50PM +0200, Alexander Lesle wrote:

>> my opinion is that when we want to get openindiana popular that we
>> need first a good documentation. Not only a good documentation for
>> geeks but rather also for endusers.

> I see no reason why the two projects can't happen at the same time. Writing
> good documentation takes time (especially if it is multilingual).  It would
> be silly to postpone everything else just to have documentation first.

When you understand my statement wrong then is it because my english
is not very well. IMHO we need docu, forum und mail-list and all can
benefit from each other.

>> Look at Ubuntu for the last 3 years. In the meantime they had a good
>> documentation and a active community where you get help when you have
>> problems. And they offered it in several languages because not
>> everyone understand English so good that he understand the man-pages.

> When Ubuntu started off, they "inherited" a lot of good stuff from Debian.
> Perhaps we could use Sun's OpenSolaris documentation as a starting point?
> (Depends on the licensing, of course.)

I think that Oracle is not very amused and they deleted a lot of
informations in the web in the last months.
Lets us see what changes on opensolaris are done at maintenance this

>> The openindiana wiki is outdated and confused, so I play in the last
>> two weeks with www.dokuwiki.org. It can be set multilingual but my
>> knowledge about openindiana is "half-depth" because I play with it
>> until one year.

> The wiki software itself is fine.  It's the content that is lacking.

That's right. Feel free to contribute.

>> When we find enough engaged guys who want to help to bring up a
>> multilanguage documentation I will have a look for some webspaces.

> I think, and I'm no expert, that the first step should be to have
> decent documentation in *one* language and then go on a translation rampage.

> Regardless, we need documentation.


Best Regards
Oktober, 09 2011
[1] mid:20111009143900.gg9...@josefsipek.net

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