
For High Availability you have to stick to Open HA Cluster and
OpenSolaris 2009.6

Open HA Cluster only builds on an Open Solaris from build 111b to build

But there is no other Cluster Solution out there.

kind regards

Am 10.10.11 14:47, schrieb Jeppe Toustrup:
> Hi
> I am trying to set up a storage system which is going to expose it's
> storage through iSCSI. The storage system is consisting of two storage
> nodes connected to SAS switches which then are connected to SAS JBOD
> arrays containing the disks which will hold the data.
> Everything is up and running in my setup now, except redundancy on the
> storage node part. I don't know how to get around to set up redundancy
> of the iSCSI targets in case one of the storage nodes goes down, or is
> taken out for maintenance. Can anybody help me out here? Are there any
> best practices or software which can handle this?
> I have had a look at Nexenta, but it seems expensive considering I
> only am missing the redundancy of the storage nodes.
> --
> Venlig hilsen / Kind regards
> Jeppe Toustrup (aka. Tenzer)
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