
My OpenIndiana machine has been running great on oi151 for ages. Just today, I 
can't log in to the machine, at the gdm console, nor by ssh.

ssh does connect and I can run commands over it, but cannot start a shell. eg:

MattBookPro:~ matt$ ssh vault.local uptime
 12:40pm  up 11 day(s), 22:40,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
MattBookPro:~ matt$ ssh vault.local
Last login: Wed Nov  2 12:46:13 2011 from mattbookpro.loc


Other services, such as http, and git over ssh are working normally.

Has anyone else experienced problems with this?

Actually, the following commands appear to lock up, producing no output: "zpool 
status", "zfs list" and "fmdump -v".

Thanks for any suggestions,

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