On Dec 27, 2011, at 2:19 AM, "Joshua M. Clulow" wrote:

> You can pretty much guarantee that the only time this will ever be publicly 
> addressed, if indeed it ever is at all, will be in the form of legal 
> proceedings.

Against who/m? Torrent users/sites? Mailing lists? Open source
projects? There's certainly a lot of panic about this that I don't
feel is founded in rational thinking. In fact, it sounds a lot like
FUD. Perhaps anyone that gives a damn at Oracle knows that once
released, code can't be unreleased. Cisco realized that when their PIX
firewall source was stolen and released in the wild. They just routed
around it by rewriting their next release from scratch & enhanced
their security procedures. Perhaps Oracle will do the same. But
launching a legal attack against individuals or projects that have
little to no money to hire legal counsel is not a sound business
practice. What's the ROI for them & their stock holders?

Very little unless they find significant evidence of their
intellectual property being used for profit by some entity with enough
cash worth going after. So please calm down, people. Also, if you're a
contributing developer, please steer away from the source released
since there may be IP in there that's patented or protected by
copyright. In other words, don't be stupid & don't panic.


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