I tried napp-it, and I get several problems: Can you comment?
I will of course write to napp-it.org as well.
Two problems that seem to partly defeat it's usefulness for a small installation are:
There's a live monitoring facility, it seems, using websockets. It claims there's no websocket support in my browser, Firefox 9.01. I have enabled websockets in the config page, but napp-it still claims it isn't there. I don't know, really, but I think websockets supposedly work in firefox.

"ZFS folders" gives no info, just headers. This supposedly displays info from like zfs list -o .... I suppose?
Seems non-functional.

Even if these two won't work, it could still be useful for a very large installation, due e g to the pool mgmt stuff, and creating folders and stuff.

On 2012-01-18 03:48, openindiana-discuss-requ...@openindiana.org wrote:
Message: 1
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2012 19:03:59 -0500
From: Robbie Crash<sardonic.smi...@gmail.com>
To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] User management tools for OI_151a?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Hi I'm new.


Offers most of what you're looking for and is clear enough that us
'Microsoft people' can figure out what to do without breaking things. It's
obviously not as powerful as access via shell, but it does make creating
automatic snapshot jobs much more simple.

ZFS share config and overall usage is there, and clear. Not sure if you can
create arrays, as I have no spare disks with which to test, but pool
creation and basic management is present. It also saved me a bunch of time
after a motherboard died and I had to rebuild my fileserver. Installing and
configuring netatalk with it was a lot quicker than doing it the manual
way, and got everything working just the same.

It's by no means as full featured as webmin, but it can do about 75% of the
stuff I've wanted it to do.

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