ok, thanks for the tips .. I'll do a little more reading on NFS so I
can increase my understanding.

but in the meantime, this seemed to do the trick!

"zfs set sharenfs='rw,root=thebsdbox' tank/xen"

[root@LBSD2:~] #touch /mnt/xen/test
[root@LBSD2:~] #touch /mnt/xen/test2
[root@LBSD2:~] #touch /mnt/xen/test3
[root@LBSD2:~] #rm /mnt/xen/test
[root@LBSD2:~] #rm /mnt/xen/test2
[root@LBSD2:~] #rm /mnt/xen/test3


On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 1:37 PM, Brian Wilson <bfwil...@wisc.edu> wrote:
> On 05/ 8/12 12:19 PM, to...@ulkhyvlers.net wrote:
>> On Tue, May 08, 2012 at 01:07:23PM -0400, Tim Dunphy wrote:
>>> Hi Richard,
>>> Thanks for your input. I found that I can share the volume via zfs..
>>> sorry I forgot to mention that this was a zfs pool.
>>> I found that I was able to remove the entry from dfstab and use this
>>> command to share the volume -
>>>  zfs set sharenfs=rw tank/xen
>>> And when I check the result it looks ok -
>>> root@openindiana:~# zfs get sharenfs tank/xen
>>> tank/xen  sharenfs  rw        local
>>> and now if I look at the nfs server from the client I can see the
>>> share, even tho it's no longer listed in dfstab -
>>> [root@LBSD2:~] #showmount -e nas
>>> Exports list on nas:
>>> /tank/xen                          Everyone
>>> And then I try mounting the share from the client -
>>> [root@LBSD2:~] #mount nas:/tank/xen /mnt/xen
>>> [root@LBSD2:~] #df -h /mnt/xen
>>> Filesystem       Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
>>> nas:/tank/xen    1.3T     46K    1.3T     0%    /mnt/xen
>>> But I am still getting the same result when I try to create a file -
>>> [root@LBSD2:~] #touch /mnt/xen/test
>>> touch: /mnt/xen/test: Permission denied
>>> Maybe I'm missing a flag on the zfs set command?
>>> Thanks
>>> Tim
>> Feel free to correct me, but I think you still need the "root=thebsdbox"
>> as an option for the zfs command.
>> Ie. something like "zfs set sharenfs='rw,root=thebsdbox' tank/xen"
>> Otherwise I suspect that the root remapping thing comes into play.
>> // Richard
> Yes, if trying to touch the file as root - which the command prompt
> indicates is the case - then you need to allow root access to the mount
> point via the option Richard specified.
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Brian Wilson, Solaris SE, UW-Madison DoIT
> Room 3114 CS&S            608-263-8047
> brian.wilson(a)doit.wisc.edu
> 'I try to save a life a day. Usually it's my own.' - John Crichton
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