That symptom reflects browser election issues. Workstations should not
have the browser service running. Domain controllers are the most
appropriate location for  browser name services unless it's a small
workgroup. Running browsers on many workstations creates browser
election storms.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Friesenhahn [] 
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2012 11:12 AM
To: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Access to ZFS viz CIFS from windows
regularly hangs.

On Thu, 5 Jul 2012, John McEntee wrote:
> I have had the suggestion of moving the samba as a more known quantity

> and better logging. At least then I can see if my high kernel usage 
> (60%) is reduced or not.

On my home network I observed that when I turned a Windows XP host off a
Windows 7 host declared that it lost access to the Samba service hosted
from a Solaris 10 system.  It was then able to reconnect to the Samba
service on that Solaris 10 system even though the Windows XP host
remained turned off.

It is a problem that Windows uses random hosts on the network as
directory servers and then blames the problem on the host which is
actually serving up the data (as if that host was lost) if that random
directory server goes away.

This behavior seems like it would make dignosing issues more difficult.

Bob Friesenhahn,
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,

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