Re: b) Not much point in deleting the thumbs.db files. They are there so
Explorer can show thumbnail previews. You can choose not to display
thumbnails at all, or you can use the default view where hidden files like
thumbs.db remain hidden, thereby not confusing users.

On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 10:31 AM, Robert Soubie <>wrote:

> Le 04/09/2012 23:13, Natxo Asenjo a écrit :
>  You have, I think, two solutions. The first one is only available for
>> newer windows servers, I think. The second is a nice hack that will
>> probably never be supported if you run into trouble but I have used it and
>> it works :-)
>> 1. use mklink 
>> (**NTFS_symbolic_link<>)
>> to create a symbolink link anywhere on the local drives to the share.
>> mklink /d d:\mylink \\server\share You have to create the link on every
>> windows server, obviously. I used the d: drive, use whatever you like/can
>> :-)
>> 2. run net use letter: \\server\share during computer startup (using
>> group policy). This way it will run as windows user SYSTEM and the drive
>> letter will be available to everybody.
> Excellent ! So far, in my context (a ZFS home server with multiple
> non-server Win 7 clients), I used solution #2. I now find that solution #1
> brings two advantages, and one disadvantage :
> a) When using the Windows Explorer function "copy or move a file or
> directory to some target place", Explorer does not forget any more the last
> target place used.
> b) I can now delete from any Windows box the server thumbs.db files that
> Windows Explorer creates. I do not know why those files cannot be deleted,
> Windows users having full control of the SMB share.
> c) With solution #1, I lose access to snapshots. However, both solutions
> seem to be compatible, so...
> --
> Éditions de l'Âge d'Or — Stanley G. Weinbaum
>**soubie <>
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