I have done this myself but haven't yet got around to releasing it. It's
called mdbackup, is written in perl and basically goes off and connects to
a bunch of remote servers (defined in a file called mdtab) via ssh or a smb
mount, rsyncs the data to a location on your local zpool and then snapshots
the deepest parent zfs filesystem. Another script renames snaps to preserve
them as monthlies or annuals and another script purges the remainder of
snaps based on a retention policy defined in that severs configuration
file, normally 21 nighties, 12 monthly and 7 annuals. It all runs from
cronies. It does lots of nice logging and error checking and has nice
health check scripts which can be used to integrate this with nagios.  it's
reasonably mature and stable, I rewrote if from bash to perl a year ago,
but in concept it's been running g for 5 years ago, I started it using
solaris express developers edition, zfs v10.  I have 4 servers running
mdbackup and I manage it all using subversion. As for releasing it into the
wild I'm happy do do that, but there are no appropriate licensing
statements in any if the files nor have I considered what licence to even
use. I was thinking of pushing the code to a slave svn instance from which
the public can sync if they like.  Pretty busy right now though :) oh it's
all documented too. If it sounds good and you can help some way that would
be awesome. Oh and it does encrypted offsite exports too but I'm not real
happy with the performance of that at this stage, seems to die over 200gb
on the few servers I've tested it on. Anyhow, mdbackup.

Kind regards Hoolio

On Wednesday, 12 September 2012, Mark Creamer <white...@gmail.com> wrote:
> A recent thread caused me to look for open source projects that leverage
> ZFS to backup systems. I found a couple, such as OmniTI's
> Zetaback<http://labs.omniti.com/labs/zetaback>,
> but that one appears to be dead - at least the links don't work and the
> page shows no recent activity. Nexenta's commercial product for Windows,
> "Delorean", also appears to have been killed (unfortunately without first
> being released to the community as far as I can tell). Wondering if anyone
> knows of any other projects that use scripts or some other method to
> system backups with zfs. I'm hoping to build on the ideas of someone more
> knowledgeable to automate my snapshot and recovery efforts.
> --
> Mark Creamer
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Kind regards, Jules

<golgy> whats so wrong with plumb?
<hoolio> nothing, in itself.  it's just for me, knowing what it means
infers i cannot any longer pretend to not be a complete square when it
comes to computers
<Gryphon> I don't know that knowing anything about plumb turns you into a
nerd, but this conversation already has
<hoolio> are you calling me nerdy?
<checkers> hoolio: you know what initramfs means, AND does. You're lost to
the non-geek world already
<Gryphon> yes
<hoolio> hrm
<hoolio> goodbye cruel world.
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