good questions.
At the moment, the key features are not to have more features at all than what 
illumos provides,
and a text-installer that places everything at its place as we usually do.
We at Sonicle liked the idea of having our own distribution of illumos, 
allowing us to streamline
kernel updates when we need it, and make XStreamOS the base for our products 
that we
used to deliver on Solaris 8/9/10 until Sun was acquired.
This is a starting point. Now that we have this, and share this with the 
community, we can start
thinking about key features to deliver.
Any suggestion will be appreciated ;)
Da: Jerry Kemp
A: Discussion list for OpenIndiana
Data: 20 settembre 2012 2.44.13 CEST
Oggetto: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] XStreamOS distro available
Hello Gabriele,
Thank you for your efforts.  I have no doubts that it is/will be a lot
of work to maintain your new distro.
I have poked around on sourceforge.net and also on your link at
www.sonicle.com.  Aside from the custom text installer, can you share
what specifically differentiates your distro from OpenIndiana, or the
roughly 2 dozen other *Solaris based distros?
Or, are you just establishing your place, and planning for unique
features for the future?
I hope my questions do not come across negatively, as they are not
intended to be.  Hopefully, I am just missing XStreamOS's key features.
Again,  thank you for your efforts,
On 09/19/12 10:17 AM, Gabriele Bulfon wrote:
anyone interested may donwload the iso of our XStreamOS distro here:
We would like to know if you feel it nice as a development distro for the 
illumos kernel,
or any other use.
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