On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 9:25 AM, Volker A. Brandt <v...@bb-c.de> wrote:
> Hi Martin!
>> As of quality: The iso is kept unchanged for 2 weeks. As nobody from
>> either OI or Illumos has _ever_ offered me any upload link (did I
>> overlook sth?)
> I think this was more a communications problem.  For example, it was not
> clear to me that you were *waiting* for someone to give you a link.
> I myself have a server that I could "park" the ISO image on.  However,
> I cannot offer it for public distribution on a permanent basis.
> So, please clarify what the current situation is, and what kind of help
> you need.  Does renaming it to Martux mean you do not want your ISO
> to be distributed by OpenIndiana people?
> Surely someone could host your ISO on one of these sites:
>   http://wiki.openindiana.org/oi/Mirrors
> Have you mailed oi-infra@ (CC'ed above)?

Hi, no, why should I care?
I have offered to create everything completely under their name.
Maybe they could have contacted me  ... ???
I mean: THE LEADER(S), rather than interested users.
Their leader didn't even warn me in advance, that he was going to resign.
Nobody of the leaders contacted me.

But it doesn't matter.
Actually I feel better with the dual naming.
As it is - at least at this point - just a flavour of MartUX.
Just like the Blastwave edition that I created way back in 2006 for x86:

The few things that I used from openindiana are more or less identical
to Sun/Oracle upstream (with little modification).
The most valuable thing that I actually used from oi was their
documentation about IPS!
However, this LiveDVD doesn't even contain any IPS data.

The best thing of that DVD is openXsun with my new patches.
I wanted to push everything into their gates, later.

But as I said: If you build a house and you spent all your hours and
$$$ on it, would you want to donate it to strangers on the first day?

I have missed a lot in my life, because of these damn SPARC boxes all
over the place, in my small apartment.
And I never earned a penny with them.
I hope that it can be understood, that I want to keep at least the
name MartUX alive.

Redistribution is of course ABSOLUTELY ENCOURAGED and APPRECIATED.
And the openXsun src will also be published.
But rather than simply merging it into OI (where it gets lost), it
shall get its own external home.
In order for it to survive, if somebody resigns because he suddenly
thinks, Linux is "faster" and "better".
Or if somebody else wants a new "reference distro".
This sadly reminds me of the 2007 horror.
Belenix would have earned to be the reference distro! Instead Sun has
taken all their ideas, added a few bad ideas to them and re-branded
the mix as indIANa  ...

Forgive me these critical words.
But I have spent half of my life (and $$$) for SPARC-gfx.
And somehow I struggle to survive, because I never had time to learn
how one would earn $$$ if one had time.
Because the Xorg (plus enhancing libpciinfo, libdevinfo) drivers
testing was an inbelievable time killer.

If somebody can give me sftp access I can upload the iso itself INSTANTLY.
You can freely re-distribute it wherever you like.

I'm back online in about 5 hours.
Then the upload can start.
Will then take about 11 hours (from my DSL link).


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