I got my Sun Blade 2500 to boot with Martin's build, I made a Google+
photo album with the system and screenshots.

I was unable to get X11 to come up, the screenshots show my efforts.
It has an XVR-1200 framebuffer, and it originally came with an XVR-600
as well, which I pulled.


Hopefully I'll be able to get some progress with openXsun booting, I
may just not know how to do it.

Great work, Martin!

On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 4:57 AM, David Halko <davidha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Good Day Martin!
> Some of us spent this evening working with your LiveDVD on a V120 with 4
> Gig RAM.
> - it takes about 48 minutes to boot
> - we have no video display, so we use the serial console
> - we figured out how to bring up ethernet interface with DHCP and an
> external VNC console
> - we like the nice selection of apps that were included on the desktop
> - we accessed your OI-SPARC via VNC from a SunRay client hosted on a
> Solaris 10 V240 - very reliable
> - we will need to update scripts on the iso, to make it more useful as a
> live-dvd server environment
> This being said, this looks good enough to move forward with! Very
> professional!
> As far as an installer, Caiman is not required. With your direction, a
> basic installer could be made using existing infrastructure (I see dtksh is
> bundled, meaning X, CLI, and HTTP are all reasonable... I did not look for
> fmli yet... a solid bug-free scripting frameworks with small footprint is
> desirable.) Maybe even gdm/xdm on boot for console-less & serial-less
> installs. We may be able to assist here, with your guidance.
> I am wondering whether zfsdiff with snapshots may be helpful for release
> management and automatic package creation. SVR4 class-action scripts could
> provide for compression support. Sparse SVR4 packages could be made for
> upgrades. Packages could automatically be made available over HTTP to
> pkgadd -x option for a wanboot mini-root. Later, pkgadd could install
> against a ZFS alternate boot environment. Perhaps zfssend from a build
> environment, named by release. There is no reason this could/should not be
> 100% automated. Once again, we could help here.
> Have you thought about a network boot from OpenBoot, maybe mounting some
> NFS network drives from a Solaris 10 platform (until OI-SPARC is stable
> enough to self-host)? We have some other V100's and V120's... This could
> make a very nice release management environment (zfs snapshot, boot first
> box, validate, package; zfs snapshot, boot second box, validate, package;
> keep a few boxes always live) We would be willing to work on that, if we
> could get a little guidance.
> I realize everything I said above is very brief, may not be 100%
> technically accurate, but I think you can see that I am excited, and there
> are others ready to dig-in and bring this forward. For storage, test
> systems, scripting, and automation - we can find some resources. We don't
> do C, nor do we do pretty, but we do functional.
> Thanks - David Halko
> http://svr4.blogspot.com/
> http://netmgt.blogspot.com/
> On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 11:19 AM, Martin Bochnig <mar...@martux.org> wrote:
> > On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 8:38 AM, DavidHalko <davidha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > U da man! I will be looking into testing it tomorrow on some machines.
> > Thank you for your efforts!
> > >
> > > Honestly, I see no value of IPS under OI SPARC since I do not expect any
> > software will ever be commercial software made available for IPS under
> > SPARC OI since it is so buggy & a moving target.
> > >
> > > There is plenty of SVR4 Solaris 10 SPARC commercial software currently
> > available. SVR4 packaging is also extensible without code changes. We also
> > don't need to do pre/post install/remove scripts, if we choose not to in
> > SVR4 packaging.
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > David Halko
> > > http://svr4.blogspot.com/
> > > http://netmgt.blogspot.com/
> >
> > Hi David!
> >
> > many thanks for your nice comments and +1  :)
> > I'm glad to get such feedback.
> >
> > However, it is still only a LiveDVD and only pre-Alpha stuff.
> > No installer yet (and Caiman gui-install and textinstall crash early
> > during, it would be a very long story to tell)   ...
> >
> > As for IPS I could not agree more with you.
> > The question is and remains, if we necessarily ___need__ IPS for anything.
> > From a user-only's point of view it is already bad enough.
> > From a distribution-builder's view I would not even wish my worst
> > enemy to experience it (ghhrr!!!).
> >
> > Here only one current example: A user's T2000 runs pkg for 8 hours,
> > then crashes. To do a thing that would not even be necessary in the
> > first place in such a scenario, with SVR4-pkgadd! And this is how ugly
> > it is from a user's point of things. Then you do not want to imagine,
> > how one feels as a distribution-constructor!!
> > A year is nothing while fighting with IPS  ...
> >
> > See the thread "pkg-discuss] gcc install?" under:
> >
> > http://mail.opensolaris.org/pipermail/pkg-discuss/2012-October/thread.html
> >
> > p.s. I added your SVR4 link to my footer ...
> >
> > tnx && rgds,
> >
> > %martin
> > http://wiki.openindiana.org/oi/MartUX_OpenIndiana+oi_151a+SPARC+LiveDVD
> >   http://www.youtube.com/user/MartUXopensolaris
> >     http://www.facebook.com/pages/MartUX_SPARC-OpenIndiana/357912020962940
> >       https://twitter.com/MartinBochnig
> >         http://www.martux.org (new page not yet online, but pretty soon)
> >
> > Forwarding David Halko's: http://svr4.blogspot.com/
> >
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