Hello, everyone

10.10.12 15:51, Jim Klimov ?????:
3) Immutable zones (several levels of immutability, with part
   of the zone filesystem being read-only) - basically we had
   much of this implicitly with sparse-root zones, but the new
   feature is a configurable attribute of the (fullroot) zone
   and allows to permit writes to /var+/etc, to only logs, or
   to nothing at all, basically.

4) Automatic VNICs for zones - if I got it right, if a VNIC
   if referenced in config of an exclusive-IP local zone and is
   missing in global zone Crossbow config, the VNIC is spawned
   temporarily during zone boot and torn down at its shutdown.

5) An enhancement to "zoneadm" that allows to gracefully shutdown
   a local zone from GZ (essentially "zoneadm shutdown {-r}" seems
   like just a shortcut to "zlogin zonename 'init 5{6}'").

  Of course, there are hundreds more of features that were not
even touched in the presentation, but of those that were - some
of the above look scriptable and simple; others less so, but
still quite useful.

  MAY they be implemented for illumos-gate/OI?

Thanks for ideas,
//Jim Klimov

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

In, etc required during surgery to change when there was a rise DNS service specific areas which should be on the teachings of one Master Bindi etc / named / named.conf required command

sudo chmod 644 /etc

on, this system disk cursed postponed until better times and installed the new drive system, can not, make this mistake. This system is important to the divestiture policy.
Regards, Arhipkin Ilya <http://www.post.arhipkin.com>
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