Below is the dmesg when it crashes  .

Oct 24 14:47:42 myhost unix: [ID 950921] cpu20: x86 (chipid 0x0
GenuineIntel 206F2 family 6 model 47 step 2 clock 2660 MHz)
Oct 24 14:47:42 myhost unix: [ID 950921] cpu20: Intel(r) Xeon(r)
CPU E7- 8837  @ 2.67GHz
Oct 24 14:47:42 myhost unix: [ID 557947] cpu20 initialization
complete - online
Oct 24 14:47:42 myhost unix: [ID 378719] NOTICE: cpu_acpi: _PSS
package evaluation failed for with status 5 for CPU 21.
Oct 24 14:47:42 myhost unix: [ID 388705] NOTICE: cpu_acpi: error
parsing _PSS for CPU 21
Oct 24 14:47:42 myhost unix: [ID 928200] NOTICE: SpeedStep
support is being disabled due to errors parsing ACPI P-state objects
exported by BIOS.
Oct 24 14:47:42 myhost unix: [ID 950921] cpu21: x86 (chipid 0x1
GenuineIntel 206F2 family 6 model 47 step 2 clock 2660 MHz)
Oct 24 14:47:42 myhost unix: [ID 950921] cpu21: Intel(r) Xeon(r)
CPU E7- 8837  @ 2.67GHz
Oct 24 14:47:42 myhost unix: [ID 557947] cpu21 initialization
complete - online
Oct 24 14:47:42 myhost unix: [ID 378719] NOTICE: cpu_acpi: _PSS
package evaluation failed for with status 5 for CPU 22.
Oct 24 14:47:42 myhost unix: [ID 388705] NOTICE: cpu_acpi: error
parsing _PSS for CPU 22
Oct 24 14:47:42 myhost unix: [ID 928200] NOTICE: SpeedStep
support is being disabled due to errors parsing ACPI P-state objects
exported by BIOS.

On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 2:36 PM, Ram Chander <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have installed OI on Dell R810 hardware and it  frequently gets auto
> rebooted atleast twice a day. "sar" shows cpu/disk/mem is all normal. This
> box acts as nfs server and doesnt do any heavy duty. Any idea what might
> be the  issue. Also got to know that OI isnt tested on this hardware. No
> useful logs too when reboot happens.
> What might be the issue, Nic,/motherboard/cpu  ?
> root@hosti:/fkdigital# last -10 reboot
> reboot    system boot                   Wed Oct 24 10:14
> reboot    system down                   Wed Oct 24 10:06
> reboot    system boot                   Tue Oct 23 16:26
> reboot    system down                   Tue Oct 23 16:15
> reboot    system boot                   Tue Oct 23 12:55
> reboot    system down                   Tue Oct 23 12:31
> reboot    system boot                   Tue Oct 23 11:43
> reboot    system down                   Tue Oct 23 11:30
> reboot    system boot                   Mon Oct 22 00:27
> reboot    system down                   Mon Oct 22 00:21
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