On 4 December 2012 13:58, Jim Klimov <jimkli...@cos.ru> wrote:
> On 2012-12-04 14:53, Dan Swartzendruber wrote:
>>> virtualboxon OI?
>>> IMHO try KVM...
>> Believe it or not, that ocurred to me too - but comments I've seen gave me
>> the feeling it was still 'bleeding edge'...
> At the very least, this would require particular features from recent
> Intel CPUs. On the statistical average, it is more probable that it
> won't even start on your rig, than the other way around. But it does
> not hurt to try (at least, if VBoxes are halted first - I have no
> idea how several hypervisors would interact within one host).

You actually can't run VirtualBox on a machine with KVM installed ...
we use KVM to run a Windows Server (with an RDP server in it) and
Linux servers, it's not bleeding edge Intel CPU's that we're using ...
we're on "Dell PowerEdge T310"s with only the bulk standard 2.4Ghz

you just have to remember to turn on all the virtualization stuff in
the BIOS ...

might be worth a look.

PS. make sure you have a large swap area, KVM wants as much swap as
memory you grant to the KVM instance.


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