On Sat, 8 Dec 2012, alka wrote:

i would be happy, if OI can be a success story

- who leads the development?
- which major enterprise/ organisation stays behind?

the current answer is: none

You are talking about a figure-head type person like Mark Shuttleworth?

There is no major enterprise/organisation behind Illumos either.

If you look at http://echelog.com/logs/browse/oi-dev/
there is no discuss

Did you consider that perhaps the currently active developers are communicating via something other than IRC? As an Internet user for 21 years now, I have yet to use IRC (or even Twitter). Email has always been the primary communication mechanism for the open source projects I am involved with.

If you check last developer meetings at wiki.openindiana.org
last was last year ( at the moment  openindiana.org is offline at all)

The site seems to be available from here. While the main page of the site still mentions oi_151a_prestable5, oi_151a_prestable7 is available as of October 6th, which seems pretty recent to me.

If you look at comments from Illumos: no future for a general use OS like OI

While Garrett is important to Illumos (which is the basis for OpenIndiana) he has no interest at all in a graphical user interface on Illumos since he uses a Mac for that purpose. Regardless, many Illumos developers seem to use OpenIndiana.

I hope, you may be right.
While SmartOS and OmniOS can replace OI on servers, they are not as
widespreaded or known at all.

SmartOS and OmniOS serve rather different focused purposes and each will succeed based on their purpose and merits.

Bob Friesenhahn
bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,    http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/

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