I'm real close to getting freeNX working. However, I'm stumped by the error I'm getting:

$ ssh -X phoenix /usr/NX/bin/nxnode --agent :1000
NX-:1000> 1000 NXNODE - Version 3.2.0-73 OS (GPL, using backend: 3.5.0)
NX> 716 Starting NX Agent ...
NXAGENT - Version 3.5.0

Copyright (C) 2001, 2011 NoMachine.
See http://www.nomachine.com/ for more information.

Info: Agent running with pid '2688'.
Session: Starting session at 'Wed Dec 19 21:05:09 2012'.
Info: Using alpha channel in render extension.
Info: Not using local device configuration changes.
Error: Aborting session with 'Could not open default font 'fixed''.
Session: Aborting session at 'Wed Dec 19 21:05:09 2012'.
Session: Session aborted at 'Wed Dec 19 21:05:09 2012'.
NX> 716 NX Agent exited with status: 1
NX-:1000> 1001 Bye.

This error happens even if I try to log in from the local OpenIndiana host. I turned on using the font server, and I tried putting in a font path, but it still fails with the same error.

Anyone have success getting freeNX working?


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