On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 12:41 PM, Reginald Beardsley <pulask...@yahoo.com>wrote:

> I sneaker net stuff between my primary system and my OI based internet
> host. I've had a couple of instances now of files disappearing while
> attempting to transfer them.
> The first time I assumed it was a corrupted filesystem and reformatted the
> drive.  It just happened again.  Everything in two  subdirectories
> disappeared while going from OI back to Sol 10.  Move back to OI they were
> still gone.
> In this last instance, I had been editing the contents of the flash drive
> rather than merely copying a file, so I lost everything I'd done.  This
> does not make me happy.  Interestingly, one of the subdirectories that lost
> its contents contained  copies of stuff from Sol 10 and other than
> attaching the files to an email, had  nothing done with them.
> So bad flash drive or OI bug?  Yes, I am unmounting the drive before I
> move it.
> NOT having fun!
> Reg

Flash drives have a limited number of recording of data capability onto the
same area .
When data is lost , this possibility should be checked first .


On the above page , please check paragraphs :


Thank you very much .

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
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