Reginald Beardsley wrote:
FWIW I have a rack I built that holds 24 disk caddies.  It's getting obsolete 
as they are all IDE drives, but it's really nice to be able to grab an old 
disk, stick it in the machine, load something and play around knowing w/ 
absolute certainty that I can't do any damage.

Part of my original motivation was being able to replicate a client environment 
and have it available at the drop of a hat.  As it worked out, I never really 
did that, but I have used it a lot for testing software on different OS 

A more modern (and cheaper) version would be an USB<->SATA/IDE interface and 
bare drives.

A more modern (and cheaper) version would be VirtulBox! OI on my current macbook runs way faster under VB than Solaris ever did native on my older laptops.


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