> From: Mirko Fluher [mailto:m...@pax.apana.org.au]
> I cannot install OpenIndiana using the current LiveDVD because it cannot
> see my see my HD ... ?? [gparted, as provided on the LiveDVD sees the
> whole HD as unallocated] ??

You're doing it right.  If OI installer fails because it can't find your HDD, 
unfortunately that means you need a driver.  If you're lucky, you might find an 
Opensolaris or OpenIndiana driver from your mfgr.  Otherwise ... you'll need to 
add or change the hard drive controller.

I don't know what chipset the Gigabyte B75M-D3H uses, but in some cases, some 
product doesn't have a driver but it's compatible with a driver for some other 
product from some other mfgr.

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