--- On Tue, 1/29/13, Jim Klimov <jimkli...@cos.ru> wrote:

> In my Wiki post you've read, one of the reasons to do manual
> installs
> (copy of files from Live media) was explicitly the desire to
> co-exist
> OI with an older rpool, i.e. to facilitate migration. I have
> one such
> system where SXCE-117 coexists with OI (and migration is
> slowly under
> way during rare permitted downtimes), with rpool version
> being 15.
> But yes, enhancements in this and some other regards to the
> installer
> (GUI, text, automated) so that manual tricks are no longer
> required,
> would be most welcome :)

I personally prefer installers that just list things, let you select which ones 
you want and will then put them in a filesystem which already exists. The 4.1.1 
installer did that and it was wonderfully easy to do whatever you wanted.

I used to create filesystems w/ the inode count better tuned to actual usage.  
I gained a lot of usable disk space that way.  In the case of /usr I had very 
few inodes free.  Just enough create links and directories if I needed them.

I'd greatly prefer to do a manual install from the root shell provided by the 
text installer.  But I'd need some documentation on how things are stored on 
the CD.  In 4.1.1 I figured it out by copying the tape files to disk and 
looking at them.  It's a bit more challenging w/ CD/DVD media.  The El Torito 
docs only take you so far and then the distro takes over and does what it wants.

I just sent Martin $50US, so hopefully when he gets done with his current 
efforts he'll document a more manual installation process.  I think he's de 
facto in charge of the OI distribution.

Have Fun!

PS My disks are "out for delivery" :-) So if you read this Martin, keep working 
on what you're doing already.

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