On 29/01/2013 17:36, Reginald Beardsley wrote:

I'd like to suggest as a social convention that the initial "license fee" be 
10% of system cost

UAHHH ! Then we should have stayed at Oracle......

Really, if you solve a problem for one system,
why should someone pay for the other 99 identical systems
(think of big clusters) ? Just because he has to money to
buy them ? Think of all the EDU/R&D institutions who simply
don't have the money for such exorbitant service fees.

Remember, OI was started as a community effort, not to make
money. If "commercial" support is offered, it's a good thing,
but we should not try to mimick the unacceptable behaviour
that companies like Oracle show.

Have a look at the old service catalog that Sun was offering,
that was something really reasonable and affordable, for both
sides. It had hardware-only services, cheap per workstation
support, bulk service fees, site service fees for an extended
period, etc. Also consider per incidence fees, based on real
effort needed to solve the problem.

Avoid copying business models made for banks and assurance
companies....these are not the clients of OI.
Dr.Udo Grabowski    Inst.f.Meteorology a.Climate Research IMK-ASF-SAT
KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology            http://www.kit.edu
Postfach 3640,76021 Karlsruhe,Germany  T:(+49)721 608-26026 F:-926026

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