This may be totally offbase - but is it possible that it's just an ethernet
device port negotiation issue (one port in full-duplex mode connecting to a
port in half-duplex)?


Al Hopper

On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 6:22 AM, Edward Ned Harvey (openindiana) <> wrote:

> > From: Roel_D []
> >
> > I use ASA5505's always. I never had this problem with solaris 10&11, but
> > those run on sun hardware.
> > I also have solaris 10 on an old HP DL340 with bge's also without
> problem.
> > And OI 1.57 on VMware also without the problems you describe.
> > I use the cisco VPN windows client.
> I'm thinking I'll need to dig into the exact revisions of IOS that are
> running, and stuff like that.  You don't happen to know yours offhand, do
> you?
> > Is your cisco the defaultgateway for your servers?
> > Otherwise i think OI sees a packet comming in from (for example)
> > which is your vpn ip-address, it then can't figure out
> where to
> > reply to and the messages start bouncing around???
> Oh, no.  If it were something that obvious, it would be totally broken and
> easy to find the problem.  Remember, I can connect to the OI machines, and
> all the other machines in the network.  Routing is not confused.  I can do
> any type of traffic to the non-OI machines, no problem, and I can even do
> certain types of traffic to/from the OI machines, without problem.  (I can
> type ssh commands ad nauseum, never have a problem because it's a single
> character at a time.)  The only problem is certain types of traffic, going
> to the OI machines.  (If I paste a command on the ssh prompt, sometimes it
> works, and sometimes the response packet on my laptop says "incoming packet
> garbled on decryption" or whatever.)
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