> Which sas drives do you use?

In terms of spinning rust, my environment is uniform with ST9146852SS. I
have a significant number >10^3 of them running. These drives take a
pounding every day and I have only experienced about six drive failures in
one year of time. I am not sure if Seagate gets the credit for it or
Newisys/Sanmina-SC who burns the drives in. As far as failures go one or two
of them have been electrical in nature, most failures are caught with CRC
errors during the monthly scrub.

I am sure these drvies are EOL by now due to their small size. I am starting
a migration to Intel 910s. Retro fitting them in my chassis with the
DDRdrive X1 and two LSI cards has proven challenging but I finally found a
way to make all devices happy.

I suspect this time next year, I may have no spinning rust at all as I can
replace disk shelves with PCI-E cards. This allows for more disk I/O and the
same (or technically smaller) foot print in the data center assuming my CPUs
can keep up with it.

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