I second the serviio recommendation.

the ffmpeg in the OI SFE-encumbered repository has been updated recently to 1.1.2, and compiled with the right bits to manage everything incl subtitling in serviio, so you no longer absolutely need to compile ffmpeg yourself.

Setting up the right profile for your player is crucial: Join the forum at forum.serviio.org to discuss your efforts if the standard profile db doesn't include your HW.

Most networked media players don't handle all possible codings, and even the container format can be a problem; so serviio's extensive transcoding/remuxing abilities do come in handy.

I have a minimal SMF service definition available, just inquire.

On 2013-03-07 22:09, Christian Manal wrote:

Am 07.03.2013 20:37, schrieb Gary Gendel:
I've had luck with serviio, a java-based DLNA server from
I'm runnign Serviio on Solaris 11 (for ZFS crypto). It's working like a
charm for months with my Samsung TV. Had to build a current ffmpeg by
hand to get it working properly, though.

The biggest drawback for the DLNA servers I tried was that I was only
able to play, pause, and stop.  Rewind and Fast-forward wasn't possible
from the PVR on the DLNA stream.
Did you set a profile appropriate to your viewing device? If I access my
Serviio server from my TV with the default settings, some video codecs
don't work at all and with many of those that do it won't let me seek.
But with the right profile settings, Serviio will transcode the stuff my
TV doesn't like into something more compatible.

Christian Manal

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