On Mar 8, 2013, at 5:02 PM, Sašo Kiselkov wrote:

> The root file system of a zone is not kept in the zonepath but in
> zonepath/ROOT/zbe - look for that filesystem to snapshot/rollback, not
> the zonepath filesystem itself (which is just an empty container). Your
> snapshot listing below shows that.
> --
> Saso

Ah!  Thank you!

I'll have to try this again, next time.

I really appreciate it.

On Mar 8, 2013, at 5:04 PM, Timothy Coalson wrote:

> Correction to 1)...first off, you did use -r, but second, from the man page:
> "       The -rR options do not  recursively  destroy  the  child
>         snapshots  of  a  recursive snapshot. Only the top-level
>         recursive snapshot  is  destroyed  by  either  of  these
>         options.  To  completely roll back a recursive snapshot,
>         you must rollback the individual child snapshots."
> Tim

Ok.  Now I'm real confused.  Assuming I had done something like this:

zfs snapshot rpool/zones/tomcat/ROOT/zbe@whatever

Done my work.

In the meantime, other auto snapshots were created...

This would not have worked:

zfs rollback -r rpool/zones/tomcat/ROOT/zbe@whatever


What would I have had to do to correct this?  Roll back each snapshot 
successively?  That could be kind of unpleasant if a lot of time had passed and 
a person needed to rollback through a lot of snapshots.

Or do I misunderstand that?

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