On 06/06/2013 22:19, Dave McGuire wrote:
> On 06/06/2013 05:15 PM, Saso Kiselkov wrote:
>> Let's get down to brass tax here: none of the Illumos developers (and
>> that includes me) particularly care about SPARC, because that platform
>> has little to no future. Hardware is only available from one or two
>> vendors at tremendous markup, which means the only ones who are going to
>> buy it are large enterprise customers who are buying as part of a
>> solution package, rendering Illumos on SPARC no more than a small-time
>> hobbyist's project running on phased-out old clunkers.
>   This is a pretty narrow view.  I respectfully submit that it doesn't
> really reflect reality.  SOME of it, yes, but not exclusively.
>   But we've already established that the Illumos crowd thinks the whole
> world should be running on PCs...therefore Illumos just isn't the answer
> here.

This is emphatically *not* the case. First of all, "the Illumos crowd"
includes me (I would hope) and I don't think that all of the world
should be running on PCs. I don't care about a particular ISA - run
Illumos on whatever you want. What I do care about for *my* projects is
that they are cost-effective. And sadly, SPARC just isn't suitable for
me. Perhaps for some it is, and they are completely free to submit
patches, have they reviewed, and integrated, same as everybody else.


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