On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 10:25:53AM +0200, Laurent Blume wrote:
> On 25/06/13 18:15, James Relph wrote:
> >
> >In there.  The installation copies the contents of the
> >bin/shared/private folder in the installation directory to
> >/usr/local/samba/lib/private, so is that the correct method, or could
> >I have put -L/usr/local/samba/lib/private
> >-R/usr/local/samba/lib/private (ie. would the compiler have been
> >aware that that's where those libraries were destined for)?
> To be honest, it looks a bit odd to me to have a private/ there, but
> I've not built Samba4 yet, so it's probably fine, and their way to
> show that some libs should not be linked against by others.
> As for the linking: the -L bit is probably superfluous, but not
> hurtful. Most build scripts add automatically the needed relative
> path at link time, and often even relink when installing. The -R
> should be good as it is.

There are other ways, but here's one way to see the runtime path
that's encoded in an executable:

    $ dump -Lv /usr/sbin/gdm-binary | grep PATH        
    [30]        RUNPATH         /usr/lib:/usr/sfw/lib
    [31]        RPATH           /usr/lib:/usr/sfw/lib

This is a good check in case you can't tell what the build script
is doing.  You can also use `ldd' to see how the paths to shared
modules are resolved.

-Gary Mills-            -refurb-                -Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada-

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