I have tried to setup napp-it on Hipster, but it seems that
CGI parameters are not processed

You can install napp-it on Hipster via
wget -O - www.napp-it.org/nappit | perl
followed by a reboot

If you then call napp-it via http://ip:81
the login screen appears, so the webserver and CGI is basically working
but when you enter any name or password, this is not given to the script

should give a value for name in hash %in

if someone wants help to search the reason in Hipster:
edit napp-it admin.pl line 147 and look for line
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

add after this line a command to print given parameters

and call http:/your serverip:81/cgi-bin/admin.pl?name=xx
name >> xx should be displayed

Unless this cgi problem is fixed, Hipster will not work with napp-it

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