Hello all,

  A slightly off-topic question: I plan to visit a remote location
where I manage a problematic OpenIndiana storage server built from
whatever desktop remnants were around into a Home-NAS. Sometimes
it hangs or gets otherwise inaccessible, so I want to plug in some
solution for remote access to this box.

  Are there any cheap (within approx $100) solutions for remote KVM,
SOL, virtual media and power (reset, on/off) management on generic PCs?
Something that the IPMI-enabled servers have, but usable with an
ordinary PC, probably as a PCI (legacy PCI 2.2 or newer PCI-E) card
that looks to the computer like a video card and USB hub with keyboard,
mouse and storage, and optionally as a serial port for SOL emulation?
Or some external box that would intercept the video output (DSUB15/DVI)
and plug USB cables into the PC's inputs, and add the short-circuiting
headers onto power and reset jumpers on the motherboard?

  Remote video is not a strict requirement, a reliably working SOL
(compatible with OI/illumos) would suffice. Remote media may be more
needed however, to allow for upgrades/repairs of the OS. And the thing
should work over the internet when published over NAT (can make static
port mappings with static external IP address).

  So far all I've found are either largish KVM switches or eRIC cards
that cost close to a new PC, and replacing the old box completely is
out of the budget both monetarily and in time constraints (I won't be
there long enough) :(

  I see that there are some solutions from SuperMicro AOC lineup, and
ASUS as well (the said computer's Mobo is an ASUS P5B-Delixe/WiFi-AP)
but I can't make out from the internet documentation whether these
would work on generic desktop computers, or require some BMC, or some
special connectors, or other components on the motherboard.

  Any insights, or links to Amazon/eBay offers, are welcome :)

//Jim Klimov

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