FWIW My system just went down w/ a kernel panic caused by a null reference in 
genunix.  I'm running oi_151a8.  I had just unmounted an SDHC card w/ a FAT 
filesystem used in my Canon  camera and when I came back from putting the 
camera away found the system at the grub menu.

I didn't find anything in the wiki about reporting kernel panics.  Is there a 
documented procedure? The dump is ~285 MB.

Here's what fmdump has to say:

root@openindiana:~# fmdump -Vp -u ad5528d9-9507-42d8-8892-e38a3d3e0b02
TIME                           UUID                                 SUNW-MSG-ID
Dec 12 2013 16:10:48.061641000 ad5528d9-9507-42d8-8892-e38a3d3e0b02 

  TIME                 CLASS                                 ENA
  Dec 12 16:10:47.9390 ireport.os.sunos.panic.dump_available 0x0000000000000000
  Dec 12 16:09:40.2242 ireport.os.sunos.panic.dump_pending_on_device 

nvlist version: 0
        version = 0x0
        class = list.suspect
        uuid = ad5528d9-9507-42d8-8892-e38a3d3e0b02
        code = SUNOS-8000-KL
        diag-time = 1386886247 968517
        de = fmd:///module/software-diagnosis
        fault-list-sz = 0x1
        fault-list = (array of embedded nvlists)
        (start fault-list[0])
        nvlist version: 0
                version = 0x0
                class = defect.sunos.kernel.panic
                certainty = 0x64
                asru = 
                resource = 
                savecore-succcess = 1
                dump-dir = /var/crash/openindiana
                dump-files = vmdump.0
                os-instance-uuid = ad5528d9-9507-42d8-8892-e38a3d3e0b02
                panicstr = BAD TRAP: type=e (#pf Page fault) 
rp=ffffff0003cfba30 addr=0 occurred in module "genunix" due to a NULL pointer 
                panicstack = unix:die+dd () | unix:trap+17db () | 
unix:cmntrap+e6 () | genunix:taskq_thread_wait+84 () | genunix:taskq_thread+308 
() | unix:thread_start+8 () | 
                crashtime = 1386886048
                panic-time = December 12, 2013 04:07:28 PM CST CST
        (end fault-list[0])

        fault-status = 0x1
        severity = Major
        __ttl = 0x1
        __tod = 0x52aa3468 0x3ac9128


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