The way i get it, upstream is oracle and they abandoned the gui manager. Also 
it was mentioned that the old program is not quite compatible with new pkg, and 
there is an alternative gui to consider instead of maintaining the old one.

Fwiw, i did see the gui package manager, but sometimes it did fail, so even on 
a laptop i mostly used the command-line tool.

Typos courtesy of my Samsung Mobile

-------- Исходное сообщение --------
От: Dmitry Kozhinov <> 
Дата: 2013.12.15  17:47  (GMT+04:00) 
Тема: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Hipster Packagemanager 
Sad to hear. OpenIndiana becomes a niche OS rather than all-purpose 
superior alternative to Linux.
GUI in a modern world is a must-have.
Why Android and iOS dominate the mobile world? They are easy to use and 
multipurpose - thanks to GUI. Why Nokia lost its mobile devices 
business? They failed to change with changing world.
I understand that OpenIndiana is server-oriented, but there are 
server-related tasks, which are much easier done with GUI. Update. 
Package install. Network configuration.
Are we supposed to teach new generation of sysadmins old-school 
kabbalistic tambourine dances from 1960's?

> IPS GUI was removed from upstream IPS repository.

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