we had an issue with an OI box running KVM, in that instance the OI base
tried DHCP'ing (after about 7-10 days) and wouldn't get an IP address
correctly. I made the host a static address and both the interface, and the
KVM have been up and working for 71 days without an issue.

I'm not sure if you have a similar issue, are your interfaces DHCP'd?

On 13 February 2014 00:43, Carl Brewer <c...@bl.echidna.id.au> wrote:

> G'day,
> I have a pretty happy OI151a8 server running Virtualbox 4.3.6
> It's got 3 guests (2 NetBSD, one CentOS 5).  They mostly just burble
> along, except every now and then (roughly every 7-10 days) they lose
> network connectivity.  The only way I've found to get them online again is
> to shut them down, remove and re-add vboxflt (rem_drv vboxflt, reboot OI
> server, add_drv vboxflt) and restart the guests.  The host shows no
> symptoms that I've been able to find, I can ssh into it just fine.  It's
> just the guests that fall off the network.
> I'm not sure how best to go about fixing this, as VB isn't really
> supported on OI, we're just kinda lucky it runs.
> Any suggestions?  Should I file a bug report with OI/Illuminos?  Or
> Oracle?(!).
> Is anyone else seeing this?
> Thanks
> Carl
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