A little off topic because of running as guest in vbox on windows 7

I've done two installs of oi -b 151_a8.  Both since updated to 151_9,
but the phenomena was there right from the start.

Once the install is over during the first round of settings I have
found that one vm has possible highest Screen res Setting of:

  1440 x 1050

While the other install has a highest setting of only:

  1280 x 1024

I've asked on the vbox list, and done some digging in vbox docs trying
to see if screen res is something vbox can effect.  But found no
reason to thing so.

Apparently its a factor of the OS.

Can anyone offer a clue or guess why screen res is lower on one

Can anyone offer any ideas about how to get higher screen res.

I have tried adjusting the amount of (video) memory Vbox allows under
its 'Display' settings.... trying the default... which I now have
forgotten but definitely below 50mb.

I have tried boosting (video) memory to 50mb and to 75mb without seeing any
noticeable effect at all.

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