14 августа 2014 г. 9:48:44 CEST, Dave Koelmeyer 
<dave.koelme...@davekoelmeyer.co.nz> пишет:
>Can someone please kindly tell me what is the current recommended guest
>VM Type and Version to be used for hosting illumos-derived distros in 
>VirtualBox – specifically OpenIndiana and Tribblix?
>Dave Koelmeyer
>openindiana-discuss mailing list


For my work laptop I've used Solaris 11 64-bit with oi/hipster, seems to work 
pretty well on the laptop, including seamless windows (MSWin host, OI/H guest) 
and decent smb and nfs performance on the vbox-host-lan.

There are sometimes lags due to attempts of the hosts to identify each other 
properly (win is in corporate domain, oi/h is not) upon access to each fs 
object. But tinkering with mount options seems to have mostly solved this along 
the way somehow.

Another annoyance is that for the windows host, all of the guest's windows are 
on the same level 'below' or 'above' native windows hosts, so if i click an 
xterm, all the netbeans or firefoxes also pop up and block the view on some 
native windows programs. This makes multitasking not very convenient.
One thing that annoys greatly is regular lockups of metacity (windows are no 
longer switchable, and mouse is of limited use to copy-paste commands - context 
menu seems to work). I thought this was due to xscreensaver (hidden screen 
lock) but it is the same with it killed and can happen during activity in 
terminals, browser, netbeans. I don't know how to reproduce that, sometimes a 
day passes without the hiccup, and sometimes it happens every minute or so. No 
correlation to host load, though metacity logs on stderr in a terminal mention 
that a window received a message with timestamp 0 which should not happen. This 
error is not unique to OI, many hits on Fedora, Ubuntu, etc. lists. Maybe gotta 
find another WM for Gnome ;)

Typos courtesy of K-9 Mail on my Samsung Android

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