Yes, I do assume there are some pre-reqs missing, question being which....?

   -bash-4.2$ pkg list  runtime/java/openjdk7
   NAME (PUBLISHER) VERSION                    IFO
   runtime/java/openjdk7 1.7.60-2014.1.1.0          i--


On 20/08/2014 11:09, Alexander Pyhalov wrote:
On 08/20/2014 13:43, Eric Bautsch wrote:
Thanks to all for making this possible.

I just installed hipster in a virtual box, upgraded it and then
installed desktop/office/openoffice.
Unfortunately, I seem to have issues with Java. Any pointers greatly

-bash-4.2$ /opt/openoffice/openoffice4/program/soffice
javaldx: Could not find a Java Runtime Environment!
X-Error: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
Major opcode: 130
Minor opcode: 3
Resource ID: 0x600
Serial No: 374 (374)
These errors are reported asynchronously,
set environment variable SAL_SYNCHRONIZE to 1 to help debugging
Application Error/opt/openoffice/openoffice4/program/soffice[121]: wait:
1181: Abort(coredump)

Perhaps, some dependencies are missing... Do you have runtime/java/openjdk7 installed?

     /          .                           Eric A. Bautsch
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  (_____/____(___(__________________/       email:

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