By the way, as a way to support Martin's work and get some well-preserved and 
functional desktop-ready SPARC gear, people are encouraged to take a look at 
his blog since he recently began setting up auctions to sell off the machines 
used to develop and test OpenSXCE since their intricacies are now covered by 
code and the hardware is no longer personally required. And it takes up space. 
And Martin wants to eat ;(
Some of the boxes are pretty unique and might gain in value as collectibles ;) 
(i.e. nearly the last built Ultra45 with some extended capabilities done just 
before the SUNWkst market vector collapsed).

From what I gather, he did a lot of heavy-lifting to match up a most functional 
set of X11 server and drivers to cover both legacy and recent videocards, and 
much work about integrating the recent releases of desktop gui software such as 
flash player, browsers, etc.

His mood about the ability of both sides to collaborate did fluctuate over 
time, but the last I heard from his blog, he did intend to push his sources 
into the public space. Ne is just wary that more commercialy apt sharks would 
take his multi-year and multi-dollar investment baby, for granted and for free, 
earn money for themselves and leave him on the curb to continue in suffering 
and poverty.

I can only hope that something more ... decent ... would happen in reality.

Jim Klimov
Typos courtesy of K-9 Mail on my Samsung Android

Martin has been doing good work for the Solaris & Sparc community for years. And suffering for years. Here is one of the earlier post I had archived from him, from back in 2007 on the OpenSolaris mailing list where he is letting off a little steam.

I wish there was some way to better support his efforts.


In case you "cannot" help me: Plesae tell me how I can delete the "bochnig" 
account here, or best, do it yourself.
Once and for e v e r .

Thank you very much.

I need to pay EUR 2559.61 back to them.
Within 8 days.
They cancelled my loans contract as I couldn't pay
the bill for the third time.

Where will I now take those EUR 2559.61 from? Circa
USD 3000,-?

Those of you who really know me a bit know, that I
have invested weeks, months and years into doing my
part of contributing to making OpenSolaris a better
reality (my part of qemu's SPARC host support
[together with Juergen Keil and Dr. Math. Johannes
Schindelin], FOX for SPARC, MartUX, recently porting
Indiana to SPARC).

I think you should re-validate your
contributor-sponsoring policy, which is still zero
(well, Al Hopper once donated EUR 440,- to me, FROM
HIS PRIVATE money. Then one other private person from
Sweden has donated EUR 50,- a month ago. Plus two
cups of coffee during OSDEVCONF in March and the
flight and Hotel and lunch last October. But that's
exactly all I ever got. ).

My dream of working for Sun (paid day job) also never
came true.
The funniest thing: I'm still only a plain
contributor in the xwin-community, so is Moinak
Hell, what a joke.

I have to rob a bank.
Thank you.

Yours sincerely
former Solaris-fan,
soon to be in jail,
Martin Bochnig

openindiana-discuss mailing list

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