As security concerns were brought onto the plate, as "argument", I
would like to warn all my friends, fellows and really all of you:

Are you aware of this, btw?

With detailed technical explanations and verifyable proof (I did not
test, because I have another device) that certain if not MOST DSL
modems have a secret 2nd connection link to the NSA.
To me as SunCertifiedSystem, SCNetwork and SCSecurity Admin (Sol8 and
9) these instructions appear to sound reasonable.

Whatever, even if that wasn't true: Additionally Washington has access
to each and every western phone and Internet service provider
(meanwhile slowly reaches even MSM news) :

It may well be, OpenSXCE and DilOS are the only Solaris distros
_without_ any further "Obomber"-backdoor.
While I cannot exclude that there are earlier USA- doors still
somewhere left over in Illumos, the one who shows me a
"Putin-backdoor" gets a cake from me!   *lol*
Like from Nuland in Kiev last February.

How deep can somebody dig his head into the sand?
( I know, UA, PL and the Baltics are experts in doing so, as they
commemorate, honor and celebrate WW2 partnering with NAZI SS Death
, while blaming Moscow for everything bad that happened since 5000
before Christus)

And now: Peace and happiness.
>From now on: UNSUBSCRIBED again.

Thanks again to my friends   :)


On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 2:28 AM, Martin Bochnig <> wrote:
> [oi-dev] OpenSXCE It is illegal to sell without source code.
> Nikola M. minikola at
> Sun Sep 14 19:13:42 UTC 2014
> Well, you UNIX Admin who only works for $$$.
> You damn person are beginning to make me REALLY DAMN ANGRY!
> If it relieves you: At the time when I offered OpenSXCE for sale, I
> was still willing to publish everything.
> However: In weeks and months and YEARS nobody ever came who bought it from me.
> I can easiliy prove this with my bank account statements that I saved
> (everything permanently 1000 EUR in Minus, paying 17% interest all the
> time!).
> _In RE-Action_ to all this, I finally lost my mood to share years of
> my life's work for free.
> If you have trouble in understanding this: Give me everything you got
> paid for your job from 2006 till 2014.  NOW!
> Instead of annoying me or the other readers with such shit, you could
> already have written a few lines of code, why didn't you?
> LBNL: Your reasoning about the "security concerns": Do you really
> trust your ISP or Oracle or MS or even any of the major LinUX
> distributors?
> Even the large encrytion organisationz have been bought by NSA to
> intentionally weaken encryption.
> NSA paid $10 million to put its backdoor in RSA encryption ...
> Well, if you really want to know it: Idiots like you are the reason,
> why I turn OpenSXCE back into a private OS for friends of myself:
> OpenSXCE's future:
> Last thing, READ THAT (100 times) :
> It has little if anything to do with political """""views""""". The
> question is, who is still a human being, and acts like one?
> BTW: Yes, Sun put Billions into the development of Solaris, and
> therefore wanted to protect that investment. And therefore was
> reluctant to release its src code. You know something: I put much of
> MY LIFE into OpenSXCE. And that's worth more than a few Billions. If
> you don't believe that, the day will come when you will  ...
> I worked for free for much of 8 years, and all you can come up with is
> SUCH SHIT?????
> Are you insane?
> And now do me a single favour: GO OUT OF MY EYES, FOR ALL TIMES.

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