On 02/ 2/15 04:02 PM, j...@m5.chicago.il.us wrote:
One of the members of this mailing list has recently written about
upgrading his Sparc computer from Solaris 11 to OpenBSD, because
(highly ironically), new versions of Solaris 11 do not support his
Sparc hardware.

I don't see the irony there - Solaris was always a commercial OS and
dropped support for hardware that was no longer commercially viable
to maintain - all the way back to when Solaris 2.0 first shipped without
Sun/3 support.   sun4, sun4c, sun4d, sun4m all got dropped when their
time had passed - it would be far more surprising if Solaris 11 kept
sun4u support forever.   Very few commercial OS'es sold in 2011 and later
still support computers from 1998 (such as a Ultra 5).


Or, is it possible that I am mistaken?  Is there an OpenBSD
implementation of ZFS of which I am unaware?

http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq1.html#HowAbout - "Will ZFS be added to OpenBSD?"


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