On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 7:10 PM, Nikola M <minik...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Well you see, we sort of get used to using ZFS datasets for everyting :)
> I have /export/home/username/.thunderbird as separate dataset and it can
> be used with ZFS
> on: ZFSOnLinux kernel module (all Linux distros, some even have prepared
> packages autocompile and installation), OSX (ZfsOnLinux port), FreeBSD and
> all illumos distros.
> So I can certainly share same Thunderbird profile between all those
> platforms (and Windows if using NFS or SMB share) :)

To support multiple MUAs, you'd have to do that for each one.

And that might be feasible for a single system or a LAN, but won't help if
you're on a public system or somebody else's system.

> As explained, it takes absolutely no additional of local storage
> (especially with ZFS and network exports)
> plus Openindiana has automated self-controlling (one-click enabled) way of
> managing dataset snapshots, (Time slider) that can even take care of
> safeguarding your Mail client profile dir.
> Snapshots in 15 minutes, half hour, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and
> yearly shapshots, without even attending to it yourself ;)

Each UA stores its own (large) data per UA, per user, per system, so that's
a lot of data.
A separate IMAP server can mitigate that somewhat for MUAs that can use
IMAP, but that doesn't solve the issue of remote access (unless your IMAP
server is publicly accessible).

One of the best ways to read (and search) the archives of this list, from
anywhere with Internet access, is
http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.os.openindiana.general .
Too bad there's no https support (at least not yet).
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