Hi Richard and Apostolos,
maybe we can add a wiki page and open a task on the openindiana tracker to
follow the progress and dependencies.

I see that for the latest esr31, sqlite3 needs an upgrade as we have 3.7.17
in hipster and the requirement is (sqlite3 >=

Best regards


On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 12:08 PM, Richard PALO <richard.p...@free.fr> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Le 04/03/15 10:46, Jonathan Adams a écrit :
> > Having compiled Firefox in the past for Solaris, the only way I could get
> > it to work is with SunStudio ...
> >
> > I talked to the devs at Firefox at the time and they said that SunStudio
> > was the only compiler that had been used to get Firefox compiled ... I
> > think the assumption in the code is that Solaris = SunStudio.
> >
> > I know that some people have had success with different patches and
> > versions of gcc, but I gave up.
> >
> > Jon
> Hi, just came across this thread (don't follow as closely OI anymore).
> Firefox can build okay on SunOS with gcc, you do need to avoid 64-bit
> for fatval reasons, I believe still... wrt 48-bit addressing munging.
> (perhaps the new 64 bit dev version addresses that, haven't checked yet)
> I have been using esr24 since quite a long while now on pkgsrc, and
> have just gotten esr31 ff working recently (with shared xulrunner) and
> am currently upgrading tbird/enigmail.
> I'm pretty sure it's possible with OI/Hipster with appropriate tweeking.
> My pkgsrc patches haven't made it into the pack yet, but if anybody
> needs, give a holler.
> Version: GnuPG v1
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/
> iQEcBAEBAgAGBQJU+YrKAAoJECAB22fHtp27W1oH/12gbUhBzrm1lstJ7akTbzVe
> deIpQu7ZgAwt4Nx5ZWEdaKG1PraEghgQcgd7iuMOMNk3duuQDOUHtvTjyapRflzh
> OYcIqZOoD3aWCoQACxt8coM4fB48hjEeGMuq4+8fRUyFF8HONyNcUj+IuXufP8S1
> ClLw5SKve7QsOOJSI5tj17baOzcvQNDb+0cI+C7EfA/MolsSfcsENBLaI3MAs1mN
> XWPJKJKgwshKcLqLDNjt2yJlOaTeSxphCrygKVr7CWj7TW9D/jifUQ2X2fsxp2BN
> DqFRpAawbt+NOBPpygyieN5TgCG9SEnhKcQEbQRnXT3zU5iOkHEfsbVaHZ38EJY=
> =X6HD
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