Thanks, the package mostly works. One issue I found is that it can't

load existing flash plugin:

###!!! [Parent][MessageChannel::Call] Error: Channel error: cannot

thanks for testing.
Oh, I didn't install flash yet.
But that's another story (in earlier FF browsers I got the final flash plugin 
working by undoing an Illumos addition to the kernel that came in 2012, yes, 
but on the other hand falsh itself would often lock the entire host).

pkgsrc: Not sure if that's the tree from NetBSD, that joyent (Sonnenschein) 
posted 100% unchanged (not even a single char is different) on github.

However - to give you first hints what I did: I merged a mixture of some NetBSD 
diffs (their diff is 10k lines short) with some interesting pieces from the 
FF24 Oracle spec files (total lengt of their diffs is 40k lines) plus some 
parts that I changed or craeted myself, depending on the needs, and depending 
on if I change includes to also look in -I/usr/include/ast or not.

The biggest secret is how to get around the nasty symbol visibility errors.
During ggogling I found your posts from last year, when you were confronted 
with similar problems. To get around them is the most confusing job ...

The rest is neglectable.
Maybe we all will laugh about that one day  :)


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