
Your are funny guys. The idea was to get some discussion going about what Illumos can and can not do to support new and existing distro's with limited resources like OpenSXCE. All the responses you sent are about personal things concerning Martin. I now feel I have changed the subject to early. ;-)

I am a bit confused about the blocking thing:
Is Illumos also capable of blocking people from the OI lists? Or are these two separate decisions? In my opinion it should be two separate decisions since the distros should be able to make its own decisions.

OpenSXCE, OpenIndiana and XStreamOS Desktop have a focus on running graphical desktops with common desktop applications. I would think everybody would benefit if there is more cooperation between these distros. So can Openindiana unblock Martin for the openindiana-discuss list so we can at least have communication between OpenSXCE and Openindiana?

I believe that the consensus is that it will be very hard to create a business model around one of these desktop focused Illumos distributions at this time. But people are still working on these distro's and I hope they will get more features and users in the future. The chance that this will succeed is in my opinion bigger if we work together. So if there is anything within my power I can do to achieve better cooperation between the distro's I am glad to help.

Kind regards,


Volker A. Brandt schreef:
Hi Ivar!

I changed the subject of the e-mail but I don't agree that this is a
different subject.

Thanks.  So we disagree then. :-)  I believe you have a valid
argument but it should not center around Martin.  Any policy
discussion should be generic without mentioning names.
Martin Bochnig maintains the OpenSXCE distro and is now blocked on
the following lists:
- openindiana-discuss
- llumos-Devel

I can imagine that nobody wants to contribute source code to a
community if you are banned from the community lists.

There you don't have to convince me.  I am against blocking and have
said so in one of my last public mails.

There are specific problems Martin has.  It is a sad thing.  Whenever
a mail contains his name, he will take everything in that mail very
personally. Anyone who he disagrees with will be bombarded with mails and insulted.

I have had long email discussions with him, and I have kept all of
his mails, including the swear words he had for me ("murderer").

Never again in my life will I reply to any message by him.  I have
learned the hard way.

However, he does very good work and would deserve some help.  So
I try to steer discussions in the mailing lists away from the things
that will make him explode.

Regards -- Volker

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