On 4/05/2015 10:27 AM, Carl Brewer wrote:
On 4/05/2015 9:45 AM, DraganFOSS wrote:
On 05/ 4/15 01:11 AM, Carl Brewer wrote:
I'm logged in as jack:jack, using pfexec

Try to switch to root in live iso with:
sudo -i

Ok, that's done and I now have a mirror called rpool with 3.6ish TB of
space :)

I'm assuming it's possible to kick off the text installer from the GUI
iso somehow, but what's the command and where's it kept?

FWIW, I booted off the text iso, and ran its installer - this installer insists that my two drives (now with EFI labels and put into an rpool from a previous boot up) are limited to 2TB

What's the trick to making this work?! If I can't get this going I'm going to have to use CentOS or some other linux variant :(

Thank you


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