Jason Matthews <ja...@broken.net> writes:

> if you think the cmos battery is bad then the sata config might have
> reverted to legacy mode or compatibility mode from ahci (or vice
> versa). this might account seeing grub but not file systems. this
> needs to be addressed before proceeding.

First, thanks for you patience... I realize I am many skill levels
below the usual posters here.

>From what I got out of the thread so far.  Even if I were to replace
the cmos bat, there would still need to be settings changed in bios.
I'm not at all sure what the settings are or how they would need

This image shows the bios screen I suspect contains the settings
mentioned.  Can anyone tell if somekind of reversion has happened?


I believe it as I set it a year or so ago but, of course, I have
no record of it and the memory is pretty shakey.

The possible settings at `Sata Emulation' are the one shown:

  and two more:

  Separate IDE controller
  Combinied IDE Controller

The more I stare at that... I'm having some vague recollection
regarding Separate IDE Controller.

So Maybe it has reverted.

However being  a horrible greenhorn and notorious bungler.  I'm a
little reluctant to change the cmos battery, in case it hasn't
reverted and changing the battery causes it to.

I asked in two other posts if it is possible to determine if a cmos
battery is bad buy some kind of routine test... can anyone speak to

The bios clock appears to be maintaining correct time.  Not sure if
that means anything in terms of cmos battery.

> they kernel line you are looking for should look like this:
> kernel$ /platform/i86pc/kernel/$ISADIR/unix -B $ZFS-BOOTFS,console=text -v

OK, thanks.  Trying that line just does the same thing as posted
followed with a spontaneous reboot.

> also, remove any lines that look like this:
> splashimage /boot/grub/splash.xpm.gz
> foreground 343434
> background F7FbFF

When I edit those out, inside grub, and then (b) boot on the kernel line, it
fails immediately with an error message I foolishly did not record.
But apparently temporaryily removing those lines thru grub appears to
cause an immediate failure.

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