
Just thought I would let you know that I have unsuccessfully installed VirtualBox 4.3.28 and successfully installed VirtualBox 5.0.2.

The procedure I followed was to download Jim Klimov excellent vboxconfig.sh script which I used to replace the default one in /opt/VirtualBox, which permitted v4.3.28 to be completely removed.

After downloading VirtualBox 5.0.2 and extracting the pkg file

#  gzip -d -c VirtualBox-5.0.2-102096-SunOS.tar.gz | ( cd /tmp ; tar xf - )
# cd /tmp
# pkgadd -d ./VirtualBox-5.0.2-SunOS-amd64-r102096.pkg

This will proceed normally until the it fails with post processing, here Jim's modified script is copied into /opt/VirtualBox containing v5.0.2 application. Now run, Jim's modified script as follows

# cd /opt/VirtualBox
# ./vboxconfig.sh --postinstall

VirtualBox installation completes. I have found that it constantly on VirtualBox startup it has VirtualBox Warning about disk image files, one or more is missing but the VMs work okay so far.


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